Posts Tagged ‘Career Pathways Facilitator’

First week of New Job

Saturday, July 26th, 2008

So I started my new job in Cherokee County as the Career Pathways Coordinator. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I attended a conference in Marietta. Most of the information at the conference was information that I had already seen during the two week class I had to take earlier in the summer. I did get to meet a lot of my new co-workers.

On Thursday, all of the administrators in the building were out at a meeting. I spent the day unloading my car and unpacking things for my office. I had Caleb come and help me unload so that it would not take all day. I only worked until noon, because I had to take Caleb to the doctor for a check up. I did not want David to have to take him, because then he would have to also take Madilyn and we do not want her getting exposed to anything right now.

Friday I spent most of the day wondering what to do. My office phone was messed up and it took half the morning to make an outside call. I have no computer and no login so I pretty much could just sit and stare at the walls. I really felt like that most of the day was wasted.

Next week all the teachers will be back for preplanning. Most of the week will be spent in meetings. I am taking Thursday and Friday off so that we can go to South FL to Katie’s wedding. Not really looking forward to the trip, but it will be good to see the family and let them see Madilyn.