Posts Tagged ‘Disconnected’

Thanksgiving Vacation

Saturday, November 29th, 2008

This year David and I decided to stay close to home and spend the holiday with just the four of us. We rented a cabin from Mountian View Cabins, which is located on Fort Mountian. It only took about an hour and ten minutes to get there. It has been a long time since we had not traveled for hours to go and spend time with immediate family.

The cabin had a pool table, hot tub and steam room and a great view of the mountians from the back deck. We enjoyed just spending time doing nothing. Prior to the trip I pre-cooked all of our meals and froze them so that I would not have to spend so much time in the kitchen. All of the pre-cooked meals were good. Thanksgiving was the only meal I actually cooked while we were gone. It turned out pretty good.

The day after Thanksgiving we went to the top of Fort Mountian and went to the overlook, the ancient wall and a rock tower. It was a beatiful day for a hike, we got some good pictures of the view.

It was nice to relax and be disconnected. By disconnected I mean no phone and no internet. We just spent time playing games, watching movies, reading and spending time with each other.

Now we are home and back to reality.