Posts Tagged ‘M.Ed.’

M. Ed.

Thursday, May 14th, 2009

Those 3 letters and 2 periods are now what come after my name in my official work correspondence. I did a ton of work to earn the right to add those 3 little letters and those 2 periods to the end of my name.

The past 2 years of my life have been CRAZY. Two years ago when I started the Masters program at KSU life was slow and easy. The first year went pretty smooth. However, around March of last year I decided I could no longer stay at my current work place. Along with going to school I set out to find a new job closer to home. I was blessed with the wonderful job as a Career Pathways Facilitator with the Cherokee County School System. My thought was that I had a year of grad school under my belt and I could handle a new job with very few issues.

I was suppose to attend summer school but was unable to do so due to having to be in training for my new job. Well it was not a problem because I could take the missed classes during the fall and spring and still graduate on time. So the plan would be that I would go to class on Thursday’s and Saturday’s. David and Caleb were already used to me being gone on Thursdays, and it would not be too hard for them to adjust to me being gone on Saturday’s.

But then we got the call about Madilyn. I spent July with her and then it hit me in August. I have a new baby, a new job and have to go to graduate school 2 days a week. I did not think that I could handle all of these life changes at one time.

Thankfully I did not have to do it by myself. David made sure that he was always home on the days that I had to go to class. My KSU schedule made for long days for both of us. When I needed to study or work on a project David was always there to entertain Madilyn so that I could finish what needed to be finished. Without his love, support and understanding I would not have been able to complete my graduate school work on time, and I would not be able to add those 3 little letters and 2 periods after my name.

Donna J. Lloyd- M.Ed.