Posts Tagged ‘TPR’

Adoption Update

Thursday, October 23rd, 2008

The darkness at the end of the tunnel has now grown to a light at the end of the tunnel. We talked with our attorney yesterday. Our 180 days started on July 1 not October 1, which is when the TPR (termination of parent rights) was signed. We should receive our court date for finalization sometime toward the end of November or early December. Our court date should be during the 2 week of January.

We were told by the adoption agency that we would not have to go to Iowa for finalization, however, we are now being told that the agency was incorrect and that we do have to attend the finalization hearing in Iowa. So that means another long trip to Iowa. At least this time we will not be stuck there not knowing what is going on like we were in July. That was the longest 17 days of our lives. I guess we can take pictures with the judge and make a big deal out of it. It would be great if additional family members could attend, but that is such a long trip, so I doubt that anyone else will be able to attend.

At the time of finalization paperwork will be filed for a new birth certificate. This birth certificate will be issued with the name we have choosen Madilyn Rachel. We will then be able to apply for a social security number once we receive the reissued birth certificate.

I feel like this process is taking forever, but Madilyn is only 4 months old, so I guess it has not been forever. I just want to see her Birth Certificate with our name on it. I want my insurance card to have her name on it, not the name she was given in the hospital. It will happen, it will just take time.