Posts Tagged ‘Disappointment’


Wednesday, April 29th, 2009

Several months ago we applied for a new school for Caleb. The school is 1/2 home school and 1/2 traditional school. We really liked this model of education for Caleb because of his learning styles, and his becoming bored and frustrated with his current private school. Well today we received word that he was not accepted. They gave no reason, just that they could not accommodate him for the upcoming school year.

We do not want him in the public school system, (I know all too well what goes on). We like his current school, but the cost is way too much. We are also not in the position to home school. I am disappointed at being rejected as a family to participate in the educational program that we applied for.
We need to pray about what we need to do about his education.


Saturday, June 7th, 2008

On Wednesday we received a phone call about a baby that was born on Sunday in AZ. We were asked if we would take this baby since the adoptive parents that were chosen walked away. We were surprised and even excited about this prospect. We had given up hope of adopting and thought this was a miracle. We agreed to adopt this baby girl.

In the meantime the BMom left the baby at the hospital. The hospital had to call CPS, since there were no named parents. The case went to family court on Friday to determine who should get custody, CPS or the Adoption Agency. The court decided that CPS should get custody. So now this baby can not be placed for adoption until all family resources are exhausted, once placed for adoption, it will most likely go to a family living in AZ.

It is just so hard to move on, but our time in Baby Wish Land is over. Yes, we have said that before, we just can not deal with the hurt, heartache and disappointmentshopes up only to have them dashed again. So now we once again are DONE for good. The past few days our stress level went through the roof. The disappointment when we were told of the courts decision was unbearable. All we want to do is love another child, but that seems impossible.