Posts Tagged ‘infertity’

Can’t understand “Children are a Gift from God”

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

Psalms 127: 3-5 Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him.
Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate. (Psalms 127:3-5)

I am having trouble with these verses lately. If children are a gift from God why does it seem that many good couples can not have children but teenagers and sluts (can not think of a better word right now) have ZERO problems conceiving and carrying a baby? I can not understand why God would choose to bless and gift some but not others. I cannot understand why the cries and pleas of many women are not answered with a blessing of a child. I don’t understand why my cries are only answered about YEARS of crying. Each of our children took around 5 years to arrive from the time we decided to add them to our family until their actual arrival.

My children are both miracles, and I been told by some “so-called” Christan people that I should not have either of them because they are “stolen” gifts. Caleb is stolen because we used fertility treatments to conceive him. Madilyn is stolen because she is adopted from a woman who had been “blessed” 3 other times already at the young age of 21.

I don’t understand why women who have waited for years for a pregnancy are surprised with one only to have the baby miscarry. How is a miscarriage a gift from God? It seems a little bit like Indian giving.

Trying to process this is hard. Especially when so many people I know are having child after child, and when many people I know have lost their children. It is even harder when those who can have children see the need to flaunt it in your face every chance they get.