Posts Tagged ‘Strong’

Life Goes on

Monday, January 26th, 2009

The last few weeks have been rough. People all around me have experienced great loss with the death of loved ones. I have seen them be strong in the mist of all of this and have realized that God is big enough to help us when we are weak, and can get us through any and all trials of life. I am so impressed with the Newmans and how they are continuing to live life after the death of their infant. Yes, they have hard days, but they are letting God carry them through this time. Will they have hard days for weeks, months and years to come? More than likely, but they know that God is there to carry them. I pray for them daily and pray that I will have faith like theirs not only in the bad times but also in the good times.

I’m not strong!!!

Tuesday, January 20th, 2009

Over the past years while David and I have dealt with infertility I have been told many times how strong I am. Today I feel so weak. I feel so inadequate. I can not understand how in times of sorrow, loss and anger that people can stand and be so strong. I have faith in God and I know he has a plan for my life but sometimes it is so hard to stand up and be strong. When looking at the stuff people around me have endured during the past few weeks (friends husband died, and a couple in our church lost their 14 month old) I just feel like I would never get through the losses they have suffered. Why can’t I be strong? Why am I so weak? How can I be a stronger person?

Rough Week- Jan 11-17

Monday, January 19th, 2009

This week has been a rough week. It has been overwhelming and emotionally draining.

My friend Julia lost her husband this week. His death was unexpected. A couple in our church lost their 14 month old daughter. And our church is in the air as to if the city is going to let us stay in the convention center.
Julia will be a rock in her loss she is a strong woman. While Joe’s death was unexpected Julia knows it was in the plan written for his life and hers. I went to the funeral in Albany, and was touched by the many people who were there and the things that were said about his life.
The family at church amazes me with their faith in God and ability to continue on with life. They will be in my prayers for the weeks and months to come. I don’t know that I could be as strong as they are if something were to happen to one of my children.
As for our church and our meeting location. We will be a church no matter where we meet. The stumbling blocks that we are facing will only make us stronger. As of today we can stay in the convention center, but who knows what will happen in the weeks and months to come.
I am glad this week is over and hope that the coming weeks will be better.