Posts Tagged ‘Anniversary’

7671 Days….

Tuesday, May 8th, 2012

7671 Days, or 1095 weeks and 6 days or to make it simple 21 years~ that’s how long I have been married to my wonderful husband David.  Sometimes I am amazed that he has put up with me that long by choice. I’ll be honest, (more…)

Anniversary Cruise- Day 3

Friday, April 15th, 2011

Day 3:  We woke with a view of Cozumel. I could not believe how blue the water was in the port. So very different than the water we have shore side in the states. It looked so inviting I wanted to jump right into the water. Two years ago when we took a family cruise we did a wonderful shore excursion in Cozumel. We decided that we had done so much and seen so much of Cozumel that we would not plan a shore excursion, but spend most of our time on the ship. (more…)

Great Week

Monday, May 11th, 2009

Last week was a wonderful but busy week. First we had David’s b-day, then our 18th wedding anniversary and ended the week with Mother’s Day.

For David’s b-day we stayed in and invited a co-worker of his for dinner along with his wife Laura and thier son Bo. We had a great time with them. It is too bad that they live in MN and were only in town for the week.

We both took off work on our anniversary. This has been our tradition since our first year of marriage. The day was busy, because for the 1st year ever we had to focus on things other than us on this special day. Madilyn had a doctors appointment and I had to get my tire and rim replaced on my van. So the morning was shot. We ended up having a late breakfast/early lunch and then just going home and vegging out watching a movie. Thankfully we have found a reliable sitter for Madilyn so we were able to leave the kids at home and go to dinner. At dinner we reflected on our early years together and how much we have grown as a couple and a family.

We had a nice Mother’s Day. We never go out to eat on this day. The resturants are entirely too crowded. So David grilled up some nice steaks and I baked some potatoes. I would rather spend time in my home than in a loud resturant. It was our first Mother’s Day with Madilyn. Last year we had given up hope of having another child and then she came along. I have more to say about this but will save it for another post.