Not flesh of my flesh, Nor bone of my bone, but still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute, you didn’t grow under my heart – but in it
— Fleur Conkling Heylinger
Today I am thankful for adoption. My life would be so different if it were not for adoption. I really can not imagine what life would be like without my wonderful little girl. I am so blessed and thankful that God brought us together through the process of adoption.
Currently we know of three families that are in the process of adoption. One family received placement a few weeks ago, and are just waiting to finalize. Another family has been matched and are waiting for travel plans and final approvals so that they can travel to China to meet their new daughter. The other family has just started out on this journey. Please keep these families in your prayers as the road to a completed adoption can be a long and hard one.
November is National Adoption month and today is National Adoption Day. Thousands of families will finalize their adoptions today in special ceremonies all across the nation. Adoption is not for every family. However, EVERY child deserves a loving home. Besides adopting a child there are other ways you can become involved with the process of adoption such as donating funds and praying. Every little bit of money helps, no amount is too small. Think about giving to a couple in order to help them bring their child home. Above all remember to pray for families that are going through the adoption process.
What are you thankful for today?
Tags: Adoption, National Adoption Day, thankfulness