Three Years Ago

Summer graduate school has kept me from having time to post…. but today is a very special day that I wanted to take time to remember.

Three years ago today David, Caleb, and I were preparing to meet our new family member. We had gotten the call the previous evening and packed and made hurried plans including: dog sitter, airline tickets, hotel, and rental car. We had less than 9 hours from the time we got the call to the time we had to get up and leave for the airport. Talk about stressful and exciting all at the same time. It was a whirlwind of a day that seemed to go on non-stop and forever.

While we had been trying to adopt for several years we were not prepared for a baby. We had NOTHING. We had nothing, because we were open to adopting a child up to the age of 5, so we really could not get anything ready. We thought that when the time came we would be matched and have a few months or even a few weeks to prepare. I just have to laugh every time people who are expecting say they will never be ready in time, when they had nine months to prepare. Its not about the stuff…. its about the heart, that’s really all that needs to be ready besides a few outfits, diapers, wipes, formula, and bottles. The rest is just icing on the cake.

A few weeks prior to the final call I had given up on having another child. We had just been trying for too long. God had other plans. The night we got the call I was scared to say yes, and I was scared to say no.  We had said yes so many other times before and the situations never came to be. I did not know if my heart could take another failed situation. I am thankful everyday that we took a chance and said yes.

I will never forget July 1, 2008~ in a hotel lobby at 11:45 pm after the longest day ever I got to see and hold my baby girl for the first time ever.  Immediately when I held her I fell in love and our lives changed forever.

Photo 1- July 2, 2008  Caleb and Madilyn (1st photo together)
Photo 2 Easter 2010

2 Responses to “Three Years Ago”

  1. Karen says:

    This is such a beautiful story and I love hearing it, you are truly blessed to have such beautiful and loving children…..

  2. Laura Webber says:

    Beautiful post!