Happy Birthday

599394_happy_birthday_I have debated on what to say in this post. I have been pretty open about how I feel about my husband all week. I guess that is what you get from a blog series called, “Week of Love.” However, with today being David’s Birthday he deserves to have a few nice things said about him.

Happy Birthday to the best  husband and friend a girl could ever ask for. I am a better person because of you and how much you have poured into my life. You are the best person I know. You are so full of love, honesty, and integrity. You are the best dad that I know. You always put the needs of your children above your own needs. You are the best friend that I know, always there for others and supportive, and would do anything to help others.

Happy Birthday to the best man I know. I feel blessed to know that  you love me and I hope that we get to celebrate many more birthdays together.

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