Labor Day Weekend- Day 4

We enjoyed our time as a family on this long weekend. The weather was perfect. It was nice for us to be able to get away and relax for a few days without the worries of everyday life getting in the way of our having a little bit of fun. I am so glad that we were able to spend time this Labor Day weekend relaxing as a family. Normally we have time in the summer to take a trip or two, but that did not happen this summer because all of my time was consumed by going to graduate school.

Madilyn is in the midst of potty training so I was a little worried about how this trip would affect her training process. She did an awesome job with going to the potty when she needed to do so. During our entire time out of town she only had two accidents and both of those were during her sleep time. I am still not comfortable enough with her progress to let her wear panties out of the house, but within a week or two that should change.

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