This year is flying, I can not believe that it is already March. Another month of the year is in the books, so it is time to review the goals I set for myself and track the progress I have made. Most people that made resolutions or set goals on January 1st have long ago stopped trying to reach those goals. I do not want to be one of those people.
My first goal was to improve my health and fitness. During the month of January I lost 10 pounds. I am disappointed to say that the scale was not kind to me during the month of February. I did not drop one single pound. However, I am not counting this month as a fail because my clothing is fitting differently and I am able to wear some items that I have not been able to wear in a while. So while progress did not show on the scales, it does show in the fit of my clothing. I made it to the gym 10 times and worked out at home 7 times. During the month of March I will continue to eat in a natural manner and continue with my gym and at home workouts. I will also continue with an increase in water intake.
My second goal was to become a better disciple by reading my Bible and spending time in prayer. I have currently read 16% of the Bible. I love the “She Reads Truth” plan because it tracks what has been read daily, and updates the percentages as they are reached.
I am also working on community. This extends far beyond going to church each week. I started an unofficial coffee group that meets every so often to encourage each other to spend time in God’s word. I use the percentage of the Bible read in order to determine when to meet. Several ladies at the church are trying to read the Bible through in a year, so I thought this would be a way to encourage us to stay on track. We are not snobby, and allow anyone to join us even if they are not working the same plan we are working. A few weeks ago we met at Star Bucks to celebrate reaching 10%, it looks like we will soon be able to meet again to celebrate 20%.
David and I have also joined a new small group that meets on Sunday nights. For the next 8 weeks we will be looking at the Bible and how it is set up, and why it is important to know the context and history of the Bible.
During the month of February I also tried to focus more on prayer. The last thing I did before bed each night was to spend time in prayer. The first thing I did prior to getting out of bed each day was to pray. I will continue to do this because it was easy to remember to do, and I feel that it helped me to maintain focus.
My third goal for the year was to blog more consistently. I blogged a total of 14 times during the month of February. That is a blog post every other day. I consider that a win for this goal.
Overall, I feel that February was a successful month for my goals. I just need to keep focused and continue to move forward in order to continue to be successful.
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