September Updates

I thought August was busy. September has been even busier.

  • David spent the first week of September in business meetings with his client from London and his contracts from Michigan. So he stayed in a small town outside of Detroit for about a week.
  • I spent the first week of September miserable and sick as a dog. Of course I was sick when David was out of town, so it made things seem much worse than they actually were.
  • Labor Day was a nice quiet event at our house. David grilled some ribs (which were yummy) and we just watched movies all day.
  • Caleb has had several Scouting Events, including Water Mania and the Great Allatoona Lake Clean Up. Both of these events started with a Friday night camp out. During Water Mania Caleb was able to participate in a variety of water sports. He had a great time. The Great Allatoona Lake Clean Up, was all work. Scouts from all over the area gathered and picked up about 24 tons of trash from the lake shore line. Caleb has participated in this community service event for the past several years.
  • I have had to attend 2 Open Houses and 2 different schools and have been working like a mad woman to get all of my student records entered into the state C-Net Data Base. This is a very time consuming task. The website is not very user friendly, but I am required to use it to record the activities of all of my Work Study students.
  • This coming weekend we leave for our Fall Vacation. We are looking forward to having some down time.
  • Our church is still looking and praying for a Senior Pastor. We have had a variety of guest speakers since June. It will be good to have a full time pastor again. We are just praying for the right one to come along.

Maybe this time I will keep this blog up to date.

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