Here we go again…

I was scheduled to go to the doctor for a recheck and ultrasounds next week. However, I called and made an appointment for today because I can tell the infection is back. The doctor was able to fit me in and was surprised to find that the infection was back. The ultrasound shows that there is nothing left from the D&C, so that is not the source of the infection. The lab work that was sent off two weeks ago all came back normal. Additional samples were taken today and will be sent to a different lab for analysis. Between the infections and other symptoms I think I may go crazy. I am trying to go on about life, but sometimes all I want to do is crawl in bed, but it won’t help so I just keep trying to truck along. Don’t get me wrong, I am resting more and taking it easy at home and at work (don’t tell anyone).

After David and I get back from London I will have another appointment to see what our next steps should be in trying to get answers because the current situation is NOT WORKING for me or my doctor.

I just want all of this to be OVER. I am so done with these problems.

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