Be Still- Devotional

Even with all that is going on in my life I still feel blessed. David and I have faced many rough times during our 19 years together. Lately we have seen many fighting in this life for the bare essentials needed to live, it is hard to watch when there is not much that we can do to help. When Dave and I first married we had nothing and I wondered what we had gotten ourselves into. Somehow through miracle after miracle all of our needs were provided. Our bills were paid, there was always food on the table and we had a place to live. We relied on God to provide for all of our needs great and small.

Verse: “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still” (Exodus 14:14).

Hard times come to all of us in this life.  During these times we need to just be still and focus on God and know that he is here to fight for us and with us. We were not meant to travel this life alone within the means of our own power. We were made to be dependent on God and his power. If you are going through rough times right now try shifting your focus from your problems to God and place all of your faith and trust in him and believe that he is fighting for you.

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