Shopping, School & Home Improvements

This past week has been busy, mostly with shopping. Madilyn has been growing like a little weed these past few weeks and most of her clothing is too tight for her to wear comfortably. We spent a lot of time this week shopping for some clothing items that she could wear now and transition into fall with. Finding these types of clothing items is difficult since it is still pretty hot here. Madilyn had a blast trying on shoes and clothing. She acted like a little model leaving the dressing room to show daddy and whoever else would look at her what she had tried on. We may be in for some trouble when she gets older.

Caleb has adjusted well to life as a high school freshman. He has completed the first 4 weeks with no problems. He currently has 5 A’s and 1 B. We are very pleased with those grades. All of his academic classes are at the honors level, and his electives are French 1 and Drama. He is in Drama Club and still active in Scouts. This past weekend he had an overnight leadership training session with the Scouts. He is keeping himself busy lately.

It has been a while since we have done anything to the house so its about time for a few home improvement projects. This past week we finally got around to buying and installing behind the glass blinds for the three front doors on the lower level of the house. We plan to do the doors upstairs within the next few weeks. We had a painter come to look at the house and are now waiting on an estimate of what it will cost us to paint the downstairs. We thought about doing it ourselves, but with crown molding, high ceilings, and tray ceilings we thought it would look better if we left it to the professionals.

I have still not been released to go back to work. I am hoping to get a firm release date later this week. David had a rough time last week with lots of issues with servers going down and bugs popping up in code. He is hoping for a little calmer week.

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