Week in review

I can not believe it is already October. This year seems to be flying by. I love the weather we have had during the past few days. It is cool in the morning and warm in the afternoons. I also enjoy the  sunrises that we have in October. They seem to be more beautiful than the others we have during the rest of the year. The leaves are slowly starting to turn into bright reds and oranges making a beautiful sight. I think a family road trip to see the fall color change needs to be planned.

October is also when many of our annual family traditions start to take place. Up first is our annual pumpkin painting event. Madilyn is beyond excited to paint her pumpkin this year.

Our Week in Review

  • One year ago this week we visited Life Bible Church. After attending one service we knew we had found a new home.  Switching churches was hard but very much needed.  I have grown and learned so much during the past year.
  • I am working with graphic designer, Greg Sykes to design a graphic for use on my “Week In Review” post. Its pretty exciting to me.
  • I have lost another 2 pounds for a total loss of 52 pounds.
  • David and I spent an afternoon cleaning out the garage and attic. I can not believe how much stuff we have accumulated. It feels good to be getting rid of a few things that have not been of any use to us.
  • Madilyn is growing up way too fast. She informed me that she is not a baby anymore.
  • It seems like we hardly ever see Caleb anymore. He is always stuck at this desk doing homework or at play practice.
  • Enjoying the music of Sanctus Real lately.
  • Little things in life make me  happy. I got a new hair dryer and it dries my hair in 6 minutes. It has been such a time saver, since my previous dryer took about 30 minutes to get the job done.
  • We had a great morning at Mercier Orchard picking apples. The drive up was colorful.

2 Responses to “Week in review”

  1. Renee Michael says:

    Congratulations on the 52# weight loss!! How are you doing it?? Also, need to plan a lunch with you soon! Thanks for the card! Talk soon!

  2. Donna says:

    Thanks Renee…. I have made a lot of changes in my diet and fitness. I started in Jan, with increasing my water, increasing how much I eat (CRAZY) and exercise. I will be posting how I got this far over the next few days. I already posted about recognizing when I eat from STRESS (which I did a lot), and increasing water intake. Its amazing how a few changes can do so much.