Update on David

Its been a long month, but we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

As many of  you know David was in a motorcycle accident on September 28. Getting the phone call from the hospital telling me he was there and had been unconscious for about 2 hours was the worst phone call I had ever received.  I hope to never receive a call like that again.

David had to have surgery on his wrist due to it breaking in four locations. He now has a metal plate and will begin physical therapy in a few weeks. He also hurt his leg and knee pretty badly. Even now three weeks later he is still in a great amount of pain. Tuesday he got an MRI on his knee to try to determine why he is in so much pain, we will have those results today.  I am praying that there is not another surgery in his future and that relief can be found and he can begin to heal.

Over the past few weeks I have been reminded of so many things. One of the most important is that I really love my husband and don’t know what I would do without him. I have also been reminded that even when I don’t think he is helping out very much around the house he does do a ton to help out with the house and kids. Now that he has limited mobility I am really seeing all of the things that he does on a daily basis, because I am having to do those things.   At times I am overwhelmed with everything that I have to do to make our home and family function. However, I do not despair or complain because I know that he is still with me and that this is a temporary situation.

I am so thankful that his injuries were not worse and that he is on the road to recovery. I just hope that the road stops winding soon and we can see an end in sight.

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