Year in Review

Wow…. it is the last day of 2012 and 2013 will be here in just a few hours. We have had a pretty eventful year.

Madilyn started Pre-K and is learning something new everyday. She also loves to be mommy’s little helper. She attended a dance camp this summer and had such a good time we decided to let her take a weekly pre-ballet class.

Caleb had a big year. He is now a junior and got both his class ring and his Letterman jacket. He also got his drivers license and his first car. He recently finished up his 1st semester of junior year with 5 A’s and 1 B. He is enrolled in all honors and AP classes so he has some challenging course work. He did very well on his first try on the SAT. He is also very active in the theatre program and that keeps him very busy.

David had a rather uneventful year until his accident in September. Since then he has been very busy with doctor appointments and physical therapy.  We are both very thankful that he is well on the road to recovery. As for me nothing much changed or happened this year. I am still working in the same job that I have had for the past four years and it is still going well. David and I celebrated our 21st anniversary and are more than half way to our 22nd one.

We were blessed to be able to take two big family trips this year. Our first trip was a Spring Break  7 day cruise. We all had a blast and got to go to several places we had not been before. It was an amazing thing to climb to the top of a pyramid with the entire family and just take in the gorgeous view. It was so fun to watch Caleb and Madilyn seeing and enjoying new things. Our other  family trip was a trip to Disney World. We had a wonderful time in the Magic Kingdom and the other parks. Madilyn keeps asking when we get to go see the castle again.

Overall 2012 was a pretty good year and I feel blessed beyond  what I deserve.

Photo by David

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