Lloyd Weekly….

Lloyd_L016(chalkboard)I can not believe that we have already reached Fall Break. We have been in school 6 weeks. Time is flying. 

Madilyn still loves school. She is also enjoying her Jazz class on Monday nights. She is learning a lot. She comes home and asks a lot of questions about the things she is learning at school. It is neat to see her working things out in her head.

Caleb is finding that being a senior in all AP classes is not a picnic. He hardly has any free time. He is also starting work on the dreaded senior project. Thankfully his topic has been approved and he can start officially working on the project. Next week he will start the college application process and will begin seeking out scholarships. He does qualify for HOPE which is great, but HOPE only pays for tuition, not room and board. We are praying that he can secure some scholarships to help us off set his educational expenses. We received notification this week from the AP council that Caleb has been named an AP  Scholar due to his performance in AP courses and on his AP exams.  I am so proud of him.

Things are pretty much the same old stuff for David. He is working as hard as ever to reach deadlines on an ever changing project. The weather was nice enough this week that he worked at the lake one day. I wish I could work at the lake.

Things in my world are busy. Having 80 Work Based Learning students is a heavy load. I am enjoying getting out of the building to do site visits. I love hearing what the employers have to say about our students and how hard working they are. It seems like all we ever hear on the news is the bad stuff teens do, so hearing from the employers of my students is so encouraging. Friday, was not a good day at work. One of my students passed away early in the morning in a car crash. Her death really impacted the senior class, and it was a very somber day. This was the first time a student in my class has died. I have had students in the school I work in die, but never in my class. This really took a toll on my emotionally. I am thankful for the way our staff and students responded to this tragedy.

We are on Fall Break, so I will be taking a week off from blogging. I will however be posting some older post again. I have been blogging here since 2008 so I have a large archive of post. So next week I will be publishing some items “from the basement” that readers may have missed when they were originally posted.


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