
To say we have been busy would be an understatement. Things around the Lloyd house have been entirely too busy.

Mostly it is me who is busy. As you all know I am in a graduate program. I graduate in May, can’t wait. Thursday I am in class fro 5:00 pm until 10:00 pm, which means I get home around 10:30. I had to drop out of school this summer for 2 reasons. First I got a new job (which I love) and I had to attend training for 2 weeks. Which meant missing 4 classes. I was going to go to summer school for the second session, and we got the call about Madilyn. So I did not earn my six credits this summer. Yesterday I started a Saturday class which will earn 3 of my six missing credits. The class starts at 8 and ends at 4. This means David has the kids all day by himself on Thursdays and Saturdays.
Saturday is our only day to shop, clean, and catch up on laundry. Needless to say none of that stuff got done yesterday. So we need to look at our schedules and see what we can change, so that David and I don’t have to stay up late in the night to take care of the house.
To top my busy schedule off, I have been assigned Home Game Football Club Duty. That means I have to sit with the FBLA club as they do face painting. Basically I have to watch the money box. I really do not want to be out both Thursday and Friday nights, but for now it can not be helped.
Keep us in your prays. My Saturday class ends the week before Thanksgiving so maybe for the holidays we will have a more normal schedule. Of course, in Jan. I will have to take another extra class to make up for the second class I missed this summer. I really can not wait until May.

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