Lloyd Weekly

Lloyd_L016(chalkboard)We had a pretty eventful weekend leading up to a very normal week.

We enjoyed having a long weekend. Caleb came home for a few days. It was good to have him home. Madilyn really enjoyed seeing him and did not want him to leave.

We finally had to break down and buy a new living room set. I have been trying to remember when we purchased the last set we had and I have come to the conclusion that we purchased it about 8 years ago.  We purchased it not long after moving into the house. I guess 8 years is a good life span for furniture that is used on a daily basis. I just hated to spend the money on new furniture.

Madilyn got her first report card of the year. She was very disappointed that she did not get any A’s, B’s or C’s.  Her school gives 1st graders O’s, S’s, N’s and U’s.  She did pretty good on her 1st report of the year despite not being able to get any A’s.

Here’s hoping for another good week.



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