Graduate School

So many people have asked, “why are you going to Grad school.” The answer is I don’t know. I started grad school because once I complete the process I will get a big pay raise. I have not really thought about going into a leadership position, but I might. Just have not decided yet.

The program I am in is a 5 semester program. It is set for a teachers schedule, to earn 6 credits per semester by attending class 1 night a week for 8 weeks from 5 until 10. It was very easy during the first two semester. I earned 12 credits and made A’s in the four classes I completed.

Then I go my new job and had to attend trianing for two weeks this summer and could not attend the two summer sessions. I guess it is good that I did not start the sessions, becuase I would have had to drop out when we had to go to Iowa this summer for almost 3 weeks.

So now I am in make-up mode which means in addition to attending classes on Thursday I have to attend classes on Saturday from 8-4. I had my first Saturday class last weekend, it was a LONGGGGGG day. I will finish the first Saturday class the week prior to Thanksgiving, but will have to pick up another one next semester starting in either Jan or Mar.

I had no problem handling the work load for the Thurday classes, but adding Saturday is another thing. I already feel overwhelmed. But I will be done in May.

The bad thing is if I can not handle taking 9 credit hours next semester and the rest of this semester I will not graduate in May. That will be bad because then I will have to follow the new graduation rules, which will mean that I have to take 3 more classes and take the new state test, because the test I have already passed will no longer be accepted. So I feel the pressure to finish on time.

This too shall pass, and hopefully May 2009 will come quickly.

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