Thankfulness Day 27- Thanksgiving Day

thanksThanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow.  ~Edward Sandford Martin

Today I am thankful for Thanksgiving. During the month of November I try to focus on all that is good in my life. I admit that at times it is hard for me to focus on the blessings.

Several years ago just a few days before Thanksgiving David and I endured the loss of a child. We were confused and  devastated.  Then we took hit after hit as David lost his physical business location to a fire and I had to have two surgeries after months of being physically ill and mentally exhausted. As much as I try not to remember or think “what if” the pain and grief of that time does come to the surface every time November rolls around.

I do try to remember that we all go through hard times, and even in our hard times we have blessings more abundant than we need. We truly do have something to be thankful for each and every day of our lives.

Today I will spend time with my family. We will have a fire in the fire place, we will have lots of yummy food, we will laugh we will play; we will have a wonderful day full of love and thankfulness. We will encourage our children to not only be thankful today, but in all of the coming days.

From the Lloyd Family to your family we wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving Day filled with family, friends, wonderful memories, and a grateful heart.

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