Devastated- Devotional

I got some news today which devastated me.  I am to the point where I do not know what to do or how to respond.  The reality is that it is too late to do anything different about this particular situation.  What’s done is done and the past can not be changed.  Maybe the lesson I have learned can be used in someway to help others.   Right now a few days are needed to gather my thoughts and process my feelings about this situation.

Shortly after receiving the news I sat down to do my devotional time.  Feeling defeated, dumb and responsible for so much grief in my life, I read the following verse:

Haven’t I commanded you: be strong and courageous?  Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you where ever you go (Joshua 1:9).

Sometimes it seems like everything I do and say is wrong.  It seems like every decision I make turns out to be the wrong one.  I wonder if I will ever get it right.   Today I  am trying to be strong, but it is so hard when reality slaps you in the face.  Being strong is not easy.  Being courageous is not easy.  Knowing that the grief you are feeling  could have been prevented is unbearable.

It just seems like every time I get to feeling better both physically and emotionally something happens to pull me back to square one.  In times like this it  is hard to remember that God is near me; he is my shield and strength, he is my protector and my deliverer.   My prayers is that I remember this as I continue moving forward.

One Response to “Devastated- Devotional”

  1. Lori Wegman says:

    I read this today and wanted to remind you I have been there. Is there anything specific you’d like me to pray for you?


    Reply From Donna:

    Thanks Lori. I just need prayer for peace. I am having a hard time right now with dealing with some things that could have been different.