
I arrived at Cherokee Northside Hospital yesterday morning around 5:45 for surgery.  All seems to have gone well and I should be released sometime after lunch this afternoon.  I am in some pain, which is to be expected and am very sleepy. The doctors were able to leave the ovaries, but had to remove both the uterus and cervix. Tests will be run to try to figure out exactly why I never properly healed from the D&C that was performed in November.  I am just looking forward to feeling better and being my healthy self again.

I would like to thank Jessica for spending the night with us on Thursday and taking care of the kids in the morning.  I am told that Madilyn woke up in a great mood and was very good. Also, thanks to Sara who came and surprised me with a short visit.

My in-laws arrived yesterday afternoon to help out for a few days.  It will be a great help to have them here to help with Madilyn.  I have been informed I must be on bed rest for at least 2 weeks, and after that point I can slowly resume normal activities.  I am not a lay in bed do nothing kind of person so the next few days will be hard.

Keep us in your prayers as the healing continues.

2 Responses to “Surgery”

  1. Laney Porter says:

    Donna, I will continue to pray for healing!!!

  2. Barbie Buckner says:

    Glad things went well. Hope that they find out the “why.” Praying you get to feeling better soon.