Back to school

Caleb started high school on Monday. I hate that I was not able to be at school these first few days. I know most parents don’t get to be in the building for their kids, I just hate that I do get to be there for him, but could not be. Caleb has a pretty good schedule with all of his academics in the morning and his electives in the afternoon. He is in all advanced classes, so he should be challenged and learn a lot this year.

I am recovering as well as can be expected. I am still in a lot of pain and the medication is making me very tired. I have been sleeping about 18 out of every 24 hours since the surgery. I am following the doctors orders and taking it easy. Thankfully I am well enough to sit up in bed in order to read, study, watch TV and type on the computer. I am just not a person that enjoys being bed bound so these next few weeks will be hard.

Madilyn is having a hard time right now. She is such a Mommy’s girl and is really upset that I can not hold her and play with her as much as she wants me too. She has not been her normal self and is more whiny and very irritable. I guess it is understandable since I am here but can not interact or play with her like she would like for me to do.

David has been super husband and dad the past few days. He has taken wonderful care of me during my recovery and has done an awesome job with the kids. I am so thankful to have such a supporting and helpful husband. My in-laws (Diane and Aubrey) arrived on Friday to help out for a few days, they left this morning to head up to Indiana. It has been nice to have them here to help us through the last few days. They have entertained the kids, done the shopping, cooking and cleaning. It has made me less stressed to have people here to help. David and Caleb are now on their own with taking care of me and Madilyn but I am not worried because I know that they will take excellent care of both of us.

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