Thankfulness Day 8- My Job

work_playWhenever it is possible, a boy should choose some occupation which he should do even if he did not need the money. ~William Lyon Phelps

Today I am thankful for our jobs. We are  blessed to have all three adults in the family working in jobs that we actually like. I know that so many people struggle with finding a job of any kind much less a job that they actually like. I am very thankful that David, Caleb, and I have pretty good jobs that we enjoy doing.

I have been teaching for 19 years, and most days have been really good. Sure I have days where things do not go as planned but most of my days are good. I get paid to help young people make decisions about their futures. I get paid to connect employers with young workers. It is a fun and rewarding job. I also have the benefit of being off on weekends, holidays, and summer.

I am also thankful for David’s job. When he lost his major contract earlier this year we had to make some changes. Some of the changes have been good, other changes have been not so good. While David is being paid a lot less than he was making with his contract work, he is still making enough to support our family. He has made some new friends in the work place and is able to work at home when we really need him to be there.

Caleb has never had a job until this past August  We always thought that his time should be spent on school work. At times I regret not encouraging him to work while in high school. I am extremely thankful for the job he was able to secure on the GA State University Campus. I was not sure they would hire someone with no actual work experience.  This job is teaching him some responsibility and teaching him how to manage work and school at the same time. He is learning new skills and being exposed to new technologies. He is also learning to manage his funds and is doing great at not spending every dime he earns.

I am truly thankful for the blessing of having jobs.

What are you thankful for today?

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