Thankfulness Day 9- The beauty of Nature

sunriseIn the beginning God created the heaven and the earth~ Genesis 1:1

Today I am thankful for the beauty we see each and everyday. I love to see the sun rise and set. The beautiful colors that paint the sky bring a smile to my face each and every time I see them.  To me nothing beats being able to watch a sunrise or sunset over the ocean. The smell of the air, the sound of the water, and the color of the sky is just so peaceful.

The artist of the world added beauty upon beauty with the creation of the seasons that we enjoy.  Each season with its own unique color scheme.  I especially love the trees of fall that look as if they are burning with fire due to all of the shades of red and orange that adorn them. There is so much beauty around us and for that I am thankful.

What are you thankful for today?



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