July 01, 2009-One Year ago today

Last year at this time we were arriving in Iowa and contacting the adoption agency, shopping for baby stuff like crazy and playing a waiting game. One year ago today we were on pins and needles wondering if we would actually leave Iowa with a newborn baby girl or if our trip had been made in vain. One year ago today I walked around in a fog happy and both scared at the same time. One year ago today we met our wonderful, happy baby girl at 11:45 pm in a hotel lobby.

Time has gone by very quickly and I feel so blessed to be the mom to 2 great kids. Both of who joined our family in a “non” traditional way. Caleb (13) joined us after several stressful years of fertility treatments. Just when we gave up on having a child God blessed us with a wonderful healthy son. Then 12 years later just when we gave up on ever adopting a child God blessed us with our wonderful daughter Madilyn (1).
I don’t know why forming our family has been so hard, but we made it through both the struggles of infertility and adoption. I know we lived through these struggles for a reason, I just am not sure of the reason. I truly feel blessed to have the children and husband that I have.


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