Quick Trip to IN

Caleb went to Indiana with his grandparents and cousin on Tuesday, July 7. So on Thursday afternoon David, Madilyn and I headed to IN to pick Caleb up so that he could leave for Scout Camp on Sunday (today).

Madilyn did really well on the trip to IN. She was in her new “big girl” car seat and acted like she was all grown up. Shortly before reaching our hotel we had a message that they had upgraded our room to a Full Suite. When we got to the hotel I could not believe the room. It was larger than the first apartment that David and I had together. We were all tired and slept really well. Madilyn actually slept until 8:00 am. That in itself was a miracle.
We spent Friday at Tim’s house visiting with his family and David’s parents. Stephen and his wife, Tasha stopped by for a little while. Stephen and his family are in the process of moving to the property that is owned by David’s parents. Tim already lives on the property.
Tim got a cake for Diane and Aubrey’s wedding anniversary which was on Friday.
Saturday around 10:00 we head back to Canton. Our trip took a little longer than expected. There was lots of traffic and several construction zones that slowed us down. We arrived home around 6 pm. Caleb had to finish packing for scouts. By the time we went to bed everyone was exhausted.
We attended the 8:30 service at church today and then came home to get Caleb ready to go to camp. It was strange to attend service and not stay to serve in Planet Shakers. Right now Madilyn is napping and David is taking Caleb to the meeting place for camp. The house is quiet and I am enjoying a few minutes of down time.

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