Prayers Needed.

So November is almost half over. We are as busy as ever and are seeking prayer in 4 areas.

1. We are considering making a big Financial Decision. We just need guidance to do what needs to be done. We do not want to make the wrong decision.

2. We need prayer concerning our Church Home. Our church does several things really well. Celebrate Recovery, Music and Childrens Ministry’s really are top notch. However, our family needs a Youth Program for Caleb. He needs to be able to interact and share with others his age (not in the school setting). We don’t know if we need to change churches or if we just need to continue to be patient. The last youth gathering was in May. Caleb misses having a youth group.

3. Pray for me as I begin to apply for a new job. I am looking for a position as an Assistant Principal, hopefully in the county in which I am currently employed.

4. We have an “unspoken request.” I don’t feel free to go into details right now, but just pray for us. — NO we are not getting a divorce, all is good with our relationship.

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