Summer of Fitness

18641693038_7af2294089_zI have named this summer the “Summer of Fitness.” I plan on doing something  everyday to improve my health and fitness. I started strong my 1st week of summer and  hope to continue to develop good habits as the days move along.

This past week I worked out 5 days at Curves, and 1 day at my church with the ladies of PureFitness. I also walked 5 days at the YMCA walking track. I picked up my dusty pedometer and ensured that I took a minimum of 10,000 steps each day. Some days were harder than others. For the first time in over a year I let my Curves trainer take and record my measurements.  I have committed to having my weight and measurements taken during the 1st week of each month. Hopefully this will help to keep me accountable.

I  also downloaded  the “myfitnesspal” app and have began to track everything I eat and drink. I am hoping that by doing this I will be more aware and accountable as to what I actually eat. Its amazing how quickly the calories can accumulate. I found my kitchen scale and have weighed and recorded  almost everything that has gone into my mouth this past week. The only meal that was not 100% accurate on amount eaten was at the wedding we attended on Saturday. It is just not practical to take a scale to an event. I did however, make wise choices in what I put on my plate.

I found a sale on workout clothing and purchased a few workout tank tops and sports bras for myself. I have always been too self conscience to wear tank tops out of the house. However, I decided I need to be cooler and more supported when I workout. Plus at 42 years of age I really don’t care what others think about how I look. All that matters is what I think, so I went with it. Madilyn helped me pick out the tank tops. She insisted on the purple and pink one (pictured above). She also wanted me to get a bright orange and yellow one, but I decided on the blue and black.

I have made my plan for the coming week and will do my best to stick to the plan. My actual gym workouts will be decreased because Madilyn will be home, and children are not welcome at the gym. I will only be able to go to the gym on the days that David works from home or on the days that he happens to get home early. I will do Jillian DVD workouts on the days that I do not actually get to go to the gym. Also, Madilyn and I will be walking at the park most mornings. I told her if she walked nicely with me we would play at the park before coming home. So we shall see how that goes.

I am ready for week two of my own personal Summer of Fitness Challenge.

What are you doing this summer to improve your health and fitness levels?


Photo by Donna

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