Quality Time

When I planted my garden I never dreamed that working in the garden would be a source of spending quality time with my almost 14 year old son.  However, over the course of the past few weeks we have worked side by side in the garden and have had a lot of conversations that have given me a glimpse into the young man he is becoming.  At first he complained about the work, but over the past few days he has worked without complaint and has even helped a few times without being asked to do so.

So many times as a working mom, wife and college student I find myself spending time with my family that is not quality but quantity.  Sometimes our time is spent with so many distractions that we do not really connect as a family or even as individuals.

David and I make sure to spend quality time with each other usually with planned date nights.  It is easy to spend one on one quality time with Madilyn– reading books, playing with play dough or swinging on the swing.  However, Caleb is a teenage boy and it is hard to get his attention in order to spend time with him. He also does not let us know when he needs us, which makes it even more difficult to spend quality time together.

Working with Caleb in the garden with no technology, work or little sister distractions has been eye opening.  I realize that all too soon he will be a full grown man making his own decisions and life choices.  He is no longer my little boy, but a young man with hopes, thoughts and dreams of his own.  Even though he is a young man he still needs to have some one on one quality time with his mom and dad.

What are you doing to spend quality time with your husband and children?

Photo by Fancy Pants Photography

One Response to “Quality Time”

  1. Christie says:

    That’s a great thought 🙂 My MIL has a garden & we love to help her work in it. It’s tough to even find a chance to spend time alone with your elder when your younger is a toddler! I’m trying to focus on the positives of Neena going into kindergarten but I’m so sad to be losing her! I hope after I get done with school myself to homeschool her & emphasize the lessons in everyday things (& maybe have a garden as part of her education!). We have prayer time with her every night & work in the house together during the day. It’s not much special, but we make it fun 🙂 & now she has a morning & evening routine to check off so I don’t have to get onto her or direct her through the process; we just race to see who can get done first!! Good job, Momma, at loving on your son!