Our Nativity

There has been only one Christmas – the rest are anniversaries.  ~W.J. Cameron

It’s official…. the Christmas Season has arrived at the Lloyd house. Christmas starts at our house with the displaying of our Nativity set. Each  year the very first Christmas decoration that is pulled from the attic and carefully displayed is the Nativity. Madilyn was very excited to see the box coming out of the attic. She has been asking me for weeks to “put out Jesus.”

The unpacking and setting up of the Nativity each year is a time in which we share the story of the birth of Jesus.  As each piece is carefully removed from the paper it has been wrapped in for storage, we talk about the importance of that particular figure to the story of the birth of Jesus. Madilyn wanted me to do it again when I had finished. We have told the story of the Christmas using this Nativity to our children, our nieces, nephews, and to many foster children who have been in our home. This is such a fun Christmas tradition for us.

Our Nativity is about 16 years old was very inexpensive since we could not afford much back then. The set is getting worn and faded as time goes by.  I sometimes think of replacing it with a new more elaborate set. Then I remember the year Caleb broke the hand off of one of the wise men, and when yet another wise man lost his crown jewel.  I remember the Christmas that Caleb “got it” and realized that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus and not about getting more presents than you know what to do with. I look forward to seeing Madilyn “get it.”  I remember the face of a foster child who could not believe that the birth of a baby in a stable is why we have Christmas.  With these memories and many more, I think this Nativity will stay with us until it falls to pieces and can no longer be used. After all there is nothing wrong with having a wise man with a missing hand, is there?

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One Response to “Our Nativity”

  1. Laura Webber says:

    I think that the more memories that you have attached to your Nativity set, the better!