Lloyd Weekly

January 2012 has come and gone. So far winter has failed to visit us here in Georgia. I am not complaining, because winter is my least favorite month. It just seems strange to have fall and spring like weather when it should be cold.

Caleb had a very busy week. He had his final rehearsals and performances for this third high school play. The play was called “Elvis People.”  He did a good job with his performances. I thought this was a strange choice of a play for high school students. I am proud of him and how he is willing to get up in front of so many people and act. He also had to sign up for his classes for next year. He has decided to take on a few more AP classes, French III, and newspaper. He will be busy next year, but at least he will be able to drive himself around.

I have spent this week fighting a headache. This crazy weather is making my head spin. I had a productive week at work. I finally finalized our budget and somehow managed to spent $34,000 in one day.  I also started work on my next two big projects. The class I am teaching is going well. I got a great email from a parent this week letting me know that she appreciates my work with her son. It is not often that I hear from parents without hearing complaints. It was nice that this mom took the time to contact me.

My baby girl is growing up way to fast.  We received her registration papers for Pre-K. I can not believe that she is already old enough to be in Pre-K.  We also went to the passport office and applied for her passport. She is excited about having a blue book like daddy, mommy, and Caleb. She does not yet understand why she needs a “blue book” and we have not told her about our upcoming trip. We are waiting to tell her about the trip because she will drive us nuts wanting to know if its time to go on the big boat. She asks us everyday about going for a picnic on our yellow boat. Our answer to her everyday is, “not until spring.”  Once she finds out about the cruise she will really be excited.

David has been busy getting ready for upcoming work meetings. His clients from London and his co-workers from  Michigan will all be in town. That means he has to actually leave the house for work all next week. That also means that he will be late getting home each night. I am sure that next week will be a long one for David. I am thankful that I have such a great husband. I have had a terrible headache all week and he took care of dinner preparations and kitchen clean-up most of the nights this week and entertained Madilyn so that I could rest.

I am sure that the upcoming week will be busy for all of us.

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