Spring Break- Paris


Caleb and Friends in Paris

The second half of Spring Break was spent in Paris. I had only ever spent one day in Paris before. It was nice to be in the city for several days. It was also stressful because I do not speak French.

Caleb and his friends got to put their years of study of the language to use during our days in the city. I was very surprised at how well they were all able to communicate.

We had a fantastic time in Paris. We got to see and do so many things.  We did the open bus tour, a river tour, Norte Dame, Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, Sacre Coeur Basilica, and much more. I think I must have walked mile upon mile during the course of this trip.

One of my favorite stops was the Palace of Versailles. It was so beautiful. I could have spent days roaming from room to room taking in all of the history. The gardens of Versailles were not yet in bloom, so that was a little disappointing but they were still a sight to see.

I feel blessed that I got to go on this trip with my son. I know that not many moms get to have this kind of adventure with their kids.  I am beyond thankful that I got to experience this with Caleb. It was so neat to see him communicating with locals in French. It was fun to see him see new things that he had only seen in pictures and in the movies. This is one trip I will never forget.


Caleb on t he observation deck of the Galeries Lafayette Department Store in Paris


At the gates of the Palace of Versailles

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