My Prayer for Today

mother_holding_babys_footToday is Mother’s Day.  A day that will be celebrated by many and mourned by others. Today, as I do every Mother’s Day I will keep women everywhere in my thoughts and prayers.

Today I say a prayer for all of those women who desperately want children but for some reason or another have not been able to make that dream come true.

Today I say a prayer for all of those mothers who grieve their children because they lived a life to short.  These moms will never forget the happiness and joy these children brought to their lives.

Today I say a prayer for all of those mothers who never got the chance to hold their babies, because they died before they could even take their first breath on earth. These children who were very much loved and wanted are greatly missed by their families. These children are gone but not forgotten.

Today I say a prayer for all of those mothers who are estranged from their children for some reason or another. I pray that one day they can reconnect and have relationships restored.

Today I say a prayer for all of those who are missing their own mothers and would give anything to just have one more day with them.

Today I say a prayer for all of those mothers who struggle and think that they just can’t be the mom they think they should be. I pray that they find peace and know that even though being a mom is sometimes hard but they CAN do it.

Today I say a prayer for all mothers that they will know that they are blessed. I pray that mothers everywhere will find the strength and courage to raise their children to be what God has created them to be.

Today as I spend time with my children I will pray and remember my friends, family and others who struggle with the emotions of their own circumstance this day brings.

*Originally posted Mothers Day 2012

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