Just for Today….

writing_1Today I am linking up with other ladies at “The Simple Woman’s Daybook” site.

Sometimes we are way too busy thinking about and doing things for the future that we skip right past the  present. I don’t know about you but I do not want to skip past the precious moments of today.  I want to take the time to slow down and focus on the simple things and good things in my life. It is good to linger and reflect on the simple things of this life.


Outside my window… It is still dark. The sun should be coming up any time now. It won’t be long and we will be “falling back” an hour.

I am thinking… This year is just passing me by. It is already October.

I am thankful… That my husband and I both are gainfully employed.  So many friends and family members are seeking work right now.

In the kitchen… I am going to make applesauce later this week. We went apple picking at our favorite orchard this past week so I have a nice variety of apples to work with.

I am wearing… slacks and a blouse with a sweater, my typical workday attire. I am ready for boot weather so that I can break out my new boots.

I am creating… a massive to do list for my son. He is a senior and it is now time to start the college application process.

I am going… to try to get back into my routine of morning Bible Reading and prayer in the mornings. I feel so busy in the morning, but if I don’t read my Bible and pray in the mornings it does not happen. So during October I am going to get back into my previous routine.

I am wondering…why it takes so long to develop a habit but only a few days to break the habit.

I am reading… I am still reading “Under the Dome” by Stephen King. It has been a slow process because I am finding that I have very little time to read.

I am hoping… that we have no other unexpected expenses this month. Repairing my son’s car was more than I had expected.

I am looking forward to… more fall weather. The cool temperatures and crisp air are wonderful.

I am learning… To let go. It is hard but my little boy is almost all grown up. I am learning to let him have a little more responsibility and freedoms.

Around the house… we are back in our routine from fall break. It is nice to have predictable days and be back on schedule.

At work… things are busy. Football, homecoming and mid-terms are in the air. The students have settled into routine and things are moving along at a steady pace.

A favorite quote for today… O’ pumpkin pie, your time has come ’round again and I am autumnrifically happy! ~Terri Guillemets

One of my favorite things… hearing the fall leaves crackle under my feet when walking in the nearby woods.

A few plans for the rest of the week… I have plans to a little fall cleaning. We need to make several trips to “Goodwill.”

A peek into my day… these two are my angels. I get to start each and every day with these two wonderful kids. I love that they have been entrusted to me to love and care for.


Would you like to linger on the simple things…then join me and many others in taking a little look into the day plans and thoughts of those who are focusing on simplicity…beauty of the everyday moments visit The Simple Woman’s Daybook hosted by Peggy Hostetler.

4 Responses to “Just for Today….”

  1. jennnifer says:

    that is a great picture!

  2. Donna says:

    Thank you. That picture is about a year old taken on our Fall Vacation last year.

  3. Anneli says:

    Mmmm… applesauce. We have more trees to be harvested. Maybe next friday when I have a day off we’ll bring those apples home. Before it gets to cold I hope.

  4. Jhona O. says:

    This year is flying by. It seems like the time goes faster and faster. I like to make apple butter at this time of year. Yum! I liked your pumpkin quote. This is my favorite time of year! I hope you have a wonderful week!