Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and He will make your paths straight. ~Proverbs 3:5-6
Sometimes things in life happen and we wonder, “What in the world is going on, where is God in this situation?” We need to always TRUST him and know that he is in every situation good or bad. While going through bad stuff it sometimes hard to truly trust and have faith that God is in control.
Over the course of our life together David and I have been bombarded with difficult and hurtful situations. My prolonged illness, David’s motorcycle accident, infertility, miscarriage, job loss, loss of friends when we made the hard and prayerful decision to change churches and many more situations have caused me to sometimes question my trust and faith in God. There have been times where all I can do is cry out to God and say, “I trust you” and then just let go of my hold on whatever issue I insisted on holding on to. At times this was the hardest thing to do, because we all want to feel like we are in control of our lives.
Having gone through infertility I can say God did know best. I was not ready to be a mom when I thought I was. If I had my way my oldest child would be 21 years old now. God made me wait, and now my oldest is 17. I needed those years to grow up. David and I needed those child free years to grow closer together. Infertility also brought us Madilyn. Had we been able to have more of our own children naturally we probably never would have adopted. God had a plan it was just so hard to see at the time. Those were some of the most painful years of my life, but I did grow and now years later I see why it all happened.
There have been many times that I have not been happy with the plan that God has for my life. For instance right now I would prefer to be in a different job. I would love a promotion. I don’t understand why I cannot get the job I want. I feel like it is not fair. Sometimes I get angry because I feel “stuck” in my position. However, I am trying to patient. I am waiting on God and seeking God for his direction in my professional life. I trust that he has a plan for my life.
I have a plan for my life too. However, I need to be willing to let go of my plan so that God can work his will for my life. I have to relinquish control over my life so that God can work his plan for my life. I need to fully trust him and believe that he has a plan that is greater for me than I could ever imagine. This is hard, but so worth it in the end.
We need to remember that what we want is not always what will be best for our lives. We need to trust that if we allow God to work in our lives that he will do what is best for us.
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