Thankfulness Day 27- Surprises

present-3-673648-m“Surprises are beautiful because they come without waiting”- Unknown 

Today I am thankful for happy surprises. It is always fun to be surprised with the unexpected. It is thrilling to see the smile on the faces of those receiving the surprise. 

Lately the news has been full of surprise reunions between soldiers and their unsuspecting family members. These almost always bring a tear to the eyes of those watching. I can not think of anyone that does not love a good surprise. I love it when David surprises me with flowers at work or a small gift for no reason whatsoever. It just shows that he loves me and is thinking of me.

I love to surprise my kids. Madilyn is in for a big surprise tomorrow. She has been a little disappointed that we are spending Thanksgiving at home by ourselves. What she does not know is that her Aunt and Uncle are going to be here. We have a few fun days planned that I know she will love. She will be surprised when Aunt Deanna and Uncle Josh show up at our door step. It has been hard not telling her, but her being surprised will be worth my keeping it from her.

What are you thankful for today?

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