Longest episode ever….

I feel like I am in the longest episode ever of the television show “House.” The doctors can not determine what is wrong with me. Test come back negative and symptoms do not indicate any known illness.  Medications and surgical procedures seem to help, but then within a few weeks all of the symptoms reappear. I have been repeating the same cycle since November and quite frankly I am tired and worn out.

This weekend my body ached with pain. As I vomited, convulsed and experienced other pain I thought I would die. At one point I was crying out in pain hoping that my children would not hear me. I have no idea how to explain to them what is wrong. The pain I have had during the past few days is the worst I have ever experienced.

I think all of this would be easier if the doctors could say you have “xyz disease” or you have “xyz cancer.” If I could get a diagnosis I would know what I am up against and treatment could begin. Right now it is just more inconclusive test and unexplained symptoms.

Later today I am going to a new doctor to have all new test run and hope that the results will help the doctors determine a course of treatment that will allow my body to heal.


One Response to “Longest episode ever….”

  1. The Elliott's Happenings says:

    That sounds awful! I'm so sorry! Have you been to a chiropractor/herb specialist? I like to see Sally at the Herb Shop next to the industrial park the Rev office is at. I just loaded up on stuff from her for the kids & me. Also, my MIL really likes her general practitioner; she has done some testing & tried things other Dr's haven't & it has been beneficial & productive for her. If you want more info, let me know. Praying for you.