Actions and Beliefs– Devotional

If the way you live isn’t consistent with what you believe, then it is wrong (Romans 14:23) MSG. If you say you are a Christian and you treat people poorly or with blatant disregard and an uncaring attitude  you have a problem.  Jesus never treated people in these ways.  Jesus always treated people with love and compassion.  We as Christians are charged to do the same with those we encounter in our lives.  Like it or not how you treat others in your life is an accurate portrait of your relationship with Christ.

During times of trial and pain you find out who really cares about you. In these times you find out who could not care any less about you.  These past few months have been painful for us. In relationships it is up to those not experiencing great pain to reach out to those who are in pain. Lame excuses of “I don’t know what to say” do not cut it.   Our eyes have been opened wide and we have been able to see who really cares about us.  Some  of our relationships have been damaged by the way individuals have discounted our pain and suffering. When we approached the individuals about the pain they have caused they were blind and could not see how much their actions hurt us.  We can only hope that with God’s grace these relationships can someday be restored.

One Response to “Actions and Beliefs– Devotional”

  1. donna says:

    This post cost me some friends. I guess they were not really friends to begin with.