Guilt- Devotional

Recently I have had several conversations with people who are experiencing guilt because of their actions in the past. I too often struggle with my own self-inflicted guilt. Feelings of guilt are part of human nature and often times hard to overcome. Feelings of guilt are especially difficult to overcome when others in your life remind you of your past and refuse to forgive you or  let you let go of your guilt. During these times we must embrace the words found in Acts 13 and know that we have been forgiven and we are free from all guilt.

Verse: In this man Jesus there is forgiveness for your sins everyone who believes in him is freed from all guilt and declared right with God (Acts 13:38-39).

Those who remind you of your past sins will not be the one to judge you on the final day of judgement. God alone will be your judge. Once you have asked God for forgiveness you are free from your sins and guilt. Our feelings of guilt do not come from God but from Satan. God wants us to live a life of freedom and forgiveness. Satan wants us to live a life dwelling on our past sins, so that we do not feel the forgiveness and comforting of our savior. When feelings of guilt overpower you seek God and know that you have been forgiven and in his eyes you are guiltless.

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