Simple Woman

Today I am linking up with the Ladies at The Simple Woman’s Daybook to just reflect on my life right now in this minute. It is relaxing and uplifting to just sit and think about the simple things and times in our lives.

For Today- December 18, 2011

Outside my window…Everything looks dead. The trees have lost the last of the leaves that were hanging on. I love living in a home surrounded by woods in spring, summer, and fall because the view changes almost daily. I just need to remember that without winter none of the other seasons would occur.

I am thinking…It is so great to have the next two weeks off work to spend time with family.

I am wondering…Will I really get these braces off in February. My mouth is killing me and I am just ready to be done. I just keep the end result in mind. I am also tired of the many comments I get about adult braces. Its like people think I am a weird because I am pushing forty and getting my teeth fixed.

I am praying for...My extended family. Several have recently lost jobs and are fighting long term illness.

I am thankful for…My church home and the wonderful group of people that call Life Bible Church home.

From the kitchen…I tried a new recipe last night and the kitchen still smells of brown sugar and pineapple. Today we will be making salmon and stemmed vegetables.

I am wearing…Comfortable pj’s. Will change into church clothing soon. I am so glad my church is a “come as you are” and not a stuffy dress up church. Because its cold outside and jeans and boots sound like a good pick for the day.

I am reading… Torrent book 3 in The River of Time series by Lisa Bergren, River of Time is really young adult book. I try to read books aimed at young adults once in a while to keep up with the type of things my students at school are reading. I am also reading other blogs I find on the Simple Woman, and I am reading a Devotional Book for the working mom.

I am hearing…my dryer. It is a beautiful sound. It stopped working last week and took 5 days to get a repair man here to fix get it running again. I am so thankful for the modern day washer and dryer and how much easier they make my life.

Around the house… We are catching up on laundry.

Pondering /Remembering these words… The only time you are a failure is when you give up.

A few plans for the rest of the week… tonight we are going to look at Christmas lights. I need to wrap the Christmas gifts and begin packing for our Christmas trip. I am also looking forward to lunch with a friend this coming week.

A photo for thought.…These are the ornaments my children made this year. Each year the kids create new ornaments for our Cozy Kitchen Christmas Tree.

Would you like to linger on the simple things…then join me and many others in taking a little look into the day plans and thoughts of those who are focusing on simplicity…beauty of the everyday moments visit The Simple Woman Daybook hosted by Peggy Hostetler.

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