Thankfulness Day 20- My Gym and Trainers

gymThose who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.  ~Edward Stanley

Today I am thankful for my GYM and trainers. Sometimes I find it hard to keep up my routines, but when I stay on track I feel so much better physically and emotionally. I am also thankful that my work picks up about ½ of the cost of my gym membership, so that it is more affordable for me to commit to working out.

I am very thankful for my workout coaches. Both of them are great at their job. They help to encourage me when I am discouraged and are always smiling as they push me to work harder. I am so thankful for all of my work out buddies. The 3:45 workout group is a blast, and is full of like-minded people. These ladies make working out easier.

I am working to become a healthier me for my husband and children. I do not want to neglect taking care of myself now only to regret it in the future. Our bodies can only take so much before they give out on us, so it is our job to take the best care of them that we can. My coaches, workout buddies, and gym and helping me to do just that.

What are you thankful for today?

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