Back to shopping

It has been four weeks since my last formal shopping trip. For the past several weeks we have lived off of our stock pile and the wonderful meals provided by the ladies of our church. I am very thankful for my friends and stockpile because they have enabled me to focus on recovery and not shopping. Today as I looked up sales on-line, matched, and clipped coupons I realized how much I had not missed this task. Coupon shopping takes time to organize and this type of shopping takes time to execute in the store. However, the savings I achieve from coupon shopping are well worth my time and effort.

Today my total prior to coupons and BOGO sale items was$188.10.  I paid $123.32 which means I saved $64.78 on the purchases I made today.  This was not one of my better shopping days, but we were out of so many essentials that I did not have coupons for that still needed to be purchased.

Deals of the Week:

  • Dial Bath Soap:  3 bar pack on sale for .94 minus a .35 coupon doubled for a savings of .70= total paid of .24
  • Fiber 1 Pecan Clusters: on sale for $2.14 minus a $1 coupon =  total paid of $1.14
  • Snack Pack Pudding: on sale for $1 per pack minus a .30 coupon (for 2 packs coupon doubled) equals total paid per pack .70

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