I have not lost a single pound in the last 50 days. My scale and my body will not budge from the 65 pounds lost mark. Sometimes I just want to pick the scale up and throw it out the window, but then I would have to pay not only to fix the window but for a new scale. In the past I would have already quit and thrown in the towel. This time this journey is different. In the past it was all about “looking” better. This time around first and foremost it is about feeling better and being healthy. Sure I want to look better, but that is not my top priority.
I have had people ask me what keeps me going during long stalls. There are lots of things that keep me going.
- I feel great. I have not felt this good in years. A few months ago we hiked up Amicalola Falls, and it felt great to make it to the top without feeling like I was going to pass out. Just a few years ago this was something that I could not do. Anytime I feel like giving up I think about what stopping now will do to my overall physical health. I am looking forward to more family adventures in the future that I used to avoid because of my weight and health.
- I am not depending on myself to do this. Every time it becomes hard, or I start getting stressed out I turn to the Lord and not to food. In the past I turned to food, and it never worked. Turing to God has worked and is working.
- Comments from friends and family have made a great impact on my ability to continue moving toward my goals. Those of you who have commented on how great I look will never know how valuable those comments have been to me during this long stretch.
- I have nothing to wear if I gain the weight back so I have to stay on track. I gave away all of my clothing as they became too big. I refuse to by larger sizes again, so I have to keep moving forward or I won’t be able to go out in public.
So while I am stuck I am not and will not be discouraged.
Tags: stalls, weight loss