In this moment…

Today I am linking up with all of the other ladies at “The Simple Woman’s Daybook” site. The goal of the site is for people stop and take a few minutes to focus on their present moment in time. Sometimes we are way to busy thinking about and doing things for the future that we skip right past the present.

In this moment in time–

Outside my window… I see the rain falling and am admiring my garden and I can not wait for the vegetables to be ready to be picked and eaten by the family.

I am thinking… We need the rain, but I wish it was not in the forecast for it to rain the next several days.

I am thankful… For my husband and his job. Many teachers in my area are having to take second jobs due to pay cuts and furlough days. I am so thankful that David has a good job that allows me to relax and not have to work during the summer months.

In the kitchen…I am sipping on my hot cup of tea and wondering how to keep the kitchen island from become a “catch all” or “dumping ground.” This happens week after week, and it needs to stop.

I am wearing… Still in my pj’s, but will soon change into my church clothing.

I am creating…at this time NOTHING, and it feels good to have a little downtime.

I am going… soon we will leave for church, and maybe David and I will go bowling later this afternoon.

I am wondering… If anyone other than me remembers the significance of the upcoming few days.

I am reading… I actually just finished a novel and have not yet started reading anything else yet. Maybe during the next few rainy days I will find some time to start a new novel.

I am hoping… That I can keep it together the next few days. I hate anniversaries of the dates that are sad and full of sorrow.

I am looking forward to… Lunch with a friend in a couple of days.

Around the house… David has already left for church, Madilyn is watching television, and Caleb is still sleeping. It is a quiet morning for me which is all to rare.

I am pondering… God’s plans for my life. I know that there is something out there and that the steps I have taken the past few years were part of that plan but I don’t understand why the plan is “stuck” and not moving forward.

A favorite quote for today… Nothing taste as good as thin feels (Made to Crave). Remembering that as I get back on track with my fitness goals.

One of my favorite things... Vanilla Caramel hot tea. Its a great way to start the morning.

A few plans for the rest of the week… Lunch with a friend, writing a few blog post on some ideas I have had, and relaxing because summer is passing way too quickly.

A peek into my day… My raised garden beds, and sitting area.

Would you like to linger on the simple things…then join me and many others in taking a little look into the day plans and thoughts of those who are focusing on simplicity…beauty of the everyday moments visit The Simple Woman’s Daybook hosted by Peggy Hostetler


2 Responses to “In this moment…”

  1. Alana says:

    I love your quote and the Vanilla Caramel tea sounds yummy. I am going to have to look for that flavor. Your raised garden looks wonderful! Have a blessed week 🙂

  2. Jerralea says:

    Your place is the second place I’ve seen that quote today … Maybe Someone is trying to tell me something!

    Your raised bed garden looks great!

    Glad you are having down-time. Enjoy!